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2 min read

Aalto University organizing several virtual events per year

Aalto University organizing several virtual events per year

Aalto University started collaboration with Liveto in 2021 by organizing virtual events in Liveto’s platform. The University organizes several virtual events per year independently that differ from each other by size and content. At the end of this blog, you’ll also find tips to organize a virtual event.

Aalto University

The Aalto University community is made up of 12 000 students, 400 professors and close to 4 000 other faculty and staff in six campuses. The University’s mission is to shape a sustainable future while values being responsibility, courage, and collaboration. The main campus is located in Otaniemi, Espoo. (aalto.fi.)

Organizing virtual events

Since spring 2021 the University has done many different kinds and sized virtual events. Especially Aalto Day One, typically the opening event for the new academic year, stands out by having the most participants. In turn, Bose-Einstein Condensation was a bit more exceptional ­– this international conference was organized virtually in Barcelona and Espoo simultaneously. Both virtual events have included livestreams, recordings, animations, posters and much more. In addition, all virtual events have had chat for increasing the participant interaction.

The feedback from participants have been positive and they appreciate that during these times it’s possible to keep in touch with others via virtual events. The virtual event platforms have been easy to use and simple to navigate. The University have had special thanks for investing for the overall experience and modified online-event content.

The University sees that the absolute benefit of virtual events is that everyone has the possibility to experience events together. Attendees’ and speakers’ participation is also easier and more ecological when events are organized virtually.

Aalto University Day One
The most challenging part about organizing a virtual event is organizing the needed resources and planning the schedule – virtual events require whole production too! In addition, the virtual event should be planned from the attendees’ part of view and what would be beneficial for them.

”Aalto University’s goal for year 2022 is to make even better events and have the routine for production.”

Collaboration with Liveto

Liveto’s role in the collaboration is to offer a virtual event platform that’s versatile, customizable and give user training to support the University’s production team. Additionally, Liveto offers the University supporting materials like guides and instructions for organizing virtual events, but the University is in charge of the production and building the virtual event platforms. The University has several event producers that utilize Liveto’s platform independently. The University has also assembled a crew to use the platform and train others aswell.

Aalto University Community Event
The University describes Liveto’s best qualities being Finnish, easy, and flexible. The University appreciates getting to work and communicate with genuine people from Liveto’s staff. Because both Liveto and the University are operating in Finland, it makes it easier for the University since both have the same working culture and laws. Liveto also responds to the University’s strict information security requirements.

Cooperation with Liveto has worked smoothly and flexible.
”Liveto is open to hear our ideas and develop the platform.”

Five tips for virtual event organizer:

  1. Start early
  2. Event production is team work before, during and after the event
  3. Know your target audience and their interests
  4. Share information and dare to ask questions – everyone learns and gets new insights.
  5. Remember to celebrate successes.

”Be brave about trying virtual event organizing!” 

The blog is written based on the interview of Tarja Peltoniemi, Aalto University’s producer.

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