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Customer experience: Finnish institute for health and welfare

Finnish institute for health and welfare (THL) works together with Liveto and have created for example the latest TerveSos event with Liveto’s service. THL investigates and follows the health of the population and produces information that is presented to the decision-makers on their multiple events around the year. Teija Eeva from THL visited us in our customer experience  video and this text is written based on it.

THL events

THL organizes in-person-, virtual- and hybrid events.

  • Over 200 different events in year
  • Goal of the events is to follow the organization’s strategy and give up-to-date information
  • Events can be for example seminars, educational occasions and press conferences
  • Some of the virtual events are streamed to Liveto’s virtual platform


Liveto’s virtual platform

According to Teija Eeva, Liveto’s virtual platform was easy to use for the event’s attendees. The use didn’t demand long instructions and attendees were able to find all the relevant content easily from the platform. For example, the two day seminar contained over 80 speaker performers and 15 seminar ensembles that were all available on the platform, too.

Liveto’s virtual event platform can be personalized according to the event’s style; you can add your own pictures, include materials and have an influence on the visual appearance. Event’s timetable can be added also to the platform, so that attendees can easily check what is happening next. Teija Eeva said that extra materials were important for THL and it was a decent feature to add on the platform. This way attendees could return to the materials on the platform afterwards. Liveto’s platform can be left open after the event so that attendees can go back to look at the materials and recordings.

So far THL has only executed simple virtual events with Liveto’s platform but they are also interested in implementing more complex events in the future. Teija Eeva says that in their upcoming events they are willing to try implementations of different kinds of workshops and dividing people into smaller groups for more detailed discussion. Liveto has multiple networking tools to enable these sessions, for example chats and video discussions.

Collaboration with Liveto

Beside virtual platform, THL has also used Liveto’s sales tools to sell tickets to some of their seminars. Enrollment tool has also been said to be easy to use. Event organizers felt that it is effortless to follow sales and registrations in real time. This has helped organizers to plan for example the event’s marketing.

“Very useful and amazing tool!” – Teija Eeva

Liveto’s service is fast and flexible. All the changes were made fast according to the THL. Read more customer experiences with Liveto from here. Do you organize events and are interested in collaboration? Contact us and let’s talk more!

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