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Customer experience: Aboa Congress & Event

Aboa Congress & Event offers professional congress- and event services. Aboa and Liveto have been working together successfully for a couple of years and there have been many great events along the way! This blog is based on an interview with Aboa’s director, Gunilla Sjöberg.

Aboa Congress & Event

Aboa produces different types of scientific events, mostly science conferences. However, you can get help for all in-person-, virtual- and hybrid events from Aboa!

  • One of Finland’s leading event agencies in the field of science.
  • Office located in Turku but operates events all over Finland.
  • Takes care of all the practical aspects, such as concept design and budgeting.
  • Long experience with science conferences.

During 2022 Aboa has had many different conferences. Just to name a few, they had three doctoral promotions, hybrid events, student events and Europe-forum event which was organized in Turku in August. All these different types of events, people in Aboa truly are masters!

Liveto's platform has already been used in many events

Liveto’s event platform has been used in multiple conferences organized by Aboa. The collaboration has lasted for a couple of years now and it has been great! During this collaboration Aboa has used Liveto’s event platform for many conferences. Sjöberg brings up that they have been very satisfied with the platform and the service they got from Liveto as an event agency.

“Warm recommendation about Liveto for conferences and other events” – Gunilla Sjöberg

Sjöberg brings up that it is interesting to see how the final user is happy with Liveto’s platform. According to Sjöberg it is also interesting how the platform can be used during the event. In the end of the interview Sjöberg  advises people to think how they can use platforms on in-person-, virtual- and hybrid events!

Liveto works together with different event organizers and agencies. Check our website for more information about our services and platform. If you are interested in collaborating with us, please contact us from here for more information!

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