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Organizing hybrid event – Shift Business Festival

Shift Business Festival is a business event which goal is to bring people and ideas together. In 2021, the two-day festival was organized as a hybrid event, physically in Turku and virtually on Liveto's platform.

Shift Business Festival prepared for pandemic uncertainty by organizing the event as a hybrid event. Safe event organizing was enabled with close cooperation with authority. For event production, they had their own work groups for physical and virtual events and the two executions were considered from the beginning. While planning a hybrid event, you should consider the workload of the event and execute it with sufficient time and manpower.

At the Shift Business Festival art and visuality were significant parts of the event. On-site there were for example AR-technology and evocative art behind QR-codes. The Shift's characteristic art and visual side were able to get imported on Liveto's virtual event platform.

Shift Business Festival's successes on virtual event platform were for example:

  • Live streams
  • Polls
  • Partner sites

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Cornerstones of a successful hybrid event

While thinking about execution of a hybrid event, it is important to have a clear and simple instructions for participants with both executions. As said in the webinar, the both productions have to start at the same time and hand in hand. One shouldn’t leave the virtual platform assembling to the last minute. You should invest in technical execution quality and resources to make hybrid event visitor's experience better.

Shift Business Festival chose Liveto as its hybrid event organizing partner, since working with a Finnish company on the same time zone enabled getting help and support fast. With Liveto's virtual event platform, the visual side was also able to look like Shift as much as possible. The event platforms simplicity and customizability were also important for productions own needs. The important criterions of Liveto's platform was also the possibility of getting live streams on virtual event platform and participants' possibility of messaging to each other.


“Liveto platform offers versatile visual options”

Watch the webinar in Finnish here! If you want to learn more about hybrid events, read about them here.

97,2 % event organizers recommends Liveto

Contact us and let's make your event a success!

Onnistuneen tapahtuman perusteet

Tämä opas sopii erityisesti ensimmäistä kertaa tapahtumaa tuottavalla henkilölle tai sitä harkitsevalle.


Tapahtumamarkkinoinnin julkaisukalenteri

Liveton tapahtumamarkkinoinnin julkaisukalenterin avulla markkinoinnista ja sosiaalisen median julkaisuista tulee suunnitelmallisempaa.

Digimarkkinoinnin menestysaskeleet tapahtumatuottajalle

Suomen Digimarkkinoinnin myyntijohtaja Ilari Tervonen avaa Liveton huhtikuun webinaarissa digimarkkinoinnin menestyksekkään MRACE-mallin.
