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JAMK University of Applied Sciences first virtual event

JAMK University of Applied Sciences is an international higher education institution with expertise in 8 different fields of study.” In December 2020, JAMK organized their first virtual event, Hakijan päivä, which is a student recruitment event. Heli Toivola, Marketing Manager of JAMK, tells more about the successful cooperation with Liveto in the video (English subtitles).

JAMK University of Applied Sciences in a nutshell:

  • Over 8000 students
  • Four campuses in three cities
  • Mission is to create competence
  • The event Hakijan päivä gathers even thousand second-degree students every year
  • JAMK organized their first virtual event with Liveto

Traditionally second-degree students get to know the campuses and fields of studies during the event. In 2020, the physical event was not an option so JAMK needed to find alternative way of executing the event and how they would reach these young and potential students.

Virtual Event Platform

The solution was found from the virtual world as JAMK decided to organize the event virtually in December 2020. JAMK wanted to include their brand and visibility to the virtual event, because it enables to reach young students nationwide, unlike organizing a physical event. The design, features and communications tools of the virtual event were also in a big role.

Features that were utilized in JAMK’s virtual event:

  • Lobby – Participants first touch to the event, where they could find the introduction and schedule.
  • Livestream = Main stage – Event host guided the participants throughout the day.
  • Rooms = Education Program’s rooms – Each education program had their own rooms where those were presented via Zoom embedded to the platform.
  • Partners = Virtual stands – Virtual stands included presentations of international possibilities, Jyväskylä as a student city and student organization.
  • Sessions = Student counsellor lounge –Participants could chat with the student counsellors on for example how to apply. This session had a password.
  • More – This section included additional materials of the event and feedback questionnaire.
  • Chat – The chat included channels for main stage, student councellors, each education program and event partner.


Cooperation with Liveto

The physical event gathered over 1000 visitors at JAMK before 2020. The virtual event gathered 750 participants and Toivola states that it was a good amount of participants considering it was the first time the event was held virtually.

“We got quick service from Liveto.” – Heli Toivola, JAMK

Toivola recommends Liveto as a partner for event organizing because Liveto has a will to make better events in cooperation with customers and constantly develop their service better. Toivola also thanks the customer service and the possibility to develop their event together with Liveto.

Read more about the virtual event platform and organizing a virtual event from our guide.

Download guide

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