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Grail Quest -gaming experience for everyone!

Grail Quest is an E-sport event held in Turku where visitors can experience a massive gaming event within one weekend. The program of the event includes a stage show, the Finnish Championships in E-sports and a huge computer and console area for visitors to use. The event is ideal for anyone interested in games, regardless of age or gender.

Grail Quest

  • Aimed for anyone interested in gaming
  • The event tickets were sold using the live dynamic sales and seating tools
  • In 2019, the event had nearly 2,500 visitors

The event allows participants of all ages to try out different games. The great thing about Grail Quest is that it not only offer E-sports but also has taken its events to a whole new level by offering the opportunity to play general and board games. 

"The purpose of the event is to provide an event experience for all ages."

Grail Quest worked together with Elisa, a Finnish telecommunication company in the event done in 2019. The visual side was evident in the sets of the event. The main stage had been produced together with Elisa which brought international production value for the event. 

Gaming events are often perceived as youth events but Grail Quest is designed to provide an event experience for all ages. Jasperi Nieminen, the main producer of the event said that it was great to notice that the event even had families involved. 

Picture: Grail Quest

The popularity of E-sports have skyrocketed

E-sports were not known to a lot of people in Finland in the beginning of the 21st century. The first World Cyber Games, also referred to as the E-sport Olympics were held in 2001. Counter-Strike (video game) became popular around the world in 2007 when both E-sport tournaments and other competitions started to become more popular. 

"The top players have the opportunity to advance in their careers and become professionals".

The development of technology and video games has grown so much in the 21st century that E-sports have grown exponentially around the world. The winning prizes for E-sporting events and the distribution of different game genres in Finland have made it possible for the top players to have the opportunity to advance in their careers as professionals and provide for themselves with E-sports. 

E-sports have gained even more popularity during the pandemic as both games and gaming events can easily be organized online. 

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